Re: [gardeners] skirret

Barb Rothenberger (
Thu, 09 Apr 1998 07:00:48 -0500

Ray is planning to put a small "cage" over his lettuce to keep the bunies
from nibbling.  The chicken wire worked wonderfully well last year over the
pots we had on the deck.  The squirrels kept burying their nuts in them,
then digging them out - along with the plants in them!  
	Barb Rothenberger in cool, damp Missouri

>George, if Sleepy can't get the squirrels, why not put a bit of chicken
>wire or hardware cloth (wire mesh) over the earth until they sprout?  I've
>done that with the more succulent (to squirrels) bulbs in the fall and it
>seems to work fine.
Barb Rothenberger
Columbia, Mo.
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