Re: [gardeners] Eggplant Grinder

Carol J. Bova (
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 19:21:03 -0700

At 08:19 AM 7/11/2001 -0600, you wrote:
> From Philly?  Howyadoon?  Hey, this sounds great.  What are "cappicolla" 
> sandwiches?

Paper thin slices of capicol' on a fresh crusty Italian roll, with a little 
yellow mustard if you're so inclined. (If you don't have a roll, thin 
slices of shepherd type bread are also good.)

>  Do YOU know how to prepare Spigariello for cooking?  Thanks, Margaret L

Hi Margaret,
The closest thing I can think of in my family's history is the chicken 
escarole soup. A nice homemade chicken soup where you coarsely chop and add 
the veggie and simmer for 15-20 minutes and serve with parmesan cheese.

Considering Ron's reference to the Asian version, I'd give it a shot in a 
stir fry..... or like I do baby bok choy... sauteed til tender in olive 
oil, margarine or butter, (as your diet and preference dictates), with some 
smashed garlic cloves.  Let us know what you end up doing with it!
         Sunland, CA