[gardeners] blackberries zone 9

flylo@txcyber.com (gardeners@globalgarden.com)
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 22:58:25 -0600

George, I'm not quite in z 9, more like '8 ish'. The thornless 
blackberries haven't had the size berry that some of the other 
cultivars have had on them. I got some starts from the same fruit 
stand I got the fig trees (again, nameless varieties) but the 'doubles' 
though they had thorns, had much better fruit than the thornless.
(But I swear I've seen thornless growing in our area that did have 
big berries on them.)

Pooper Scooper hoodoo!!  Last Sunday I was in a Christmas 
parade in Bryan Tx (in the rain). We have a Paso Fino horse group 
that has been invited to parade in a lot of the locals. This time we 
were required to bring our own pooper scoopers. I'm a member of 
the B/CS compost corps, so I contacted that group to see if they 
wanted to either walk the parade or just meet the mounted groups 
after the thing was over to collect the manure for the Brazos Center 
compost bins. Had the organizer of that group excited enough to 
count 'community service hours' for anyone who participated. 
But, the gal in charge of the mounted div of the parade would have 
none of it!!  I thought it was a brilliant plan to get two groups of the 
city together, but apparently, the Compost Brigade poses some 
kind of threat??  Oh well, just trying to share the wealth!