[gardeners] Re: GERD?

bsk (gardeners@globalgarden.com)
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 18:31:20 -0600

It is much improved too since I took myself off the ADVAIR (steroids?) disk
for asthma. I still can't breathe worth a hoot but boy I don't have my
throat shutting down on me when I least expect it at meal time not letting
anything go past a certain point. I can do some of the things that can throw
a person into a acid fit like a couple of Dews during the day. Ketchup sends
me off the deep end and too much grease will to after a certain point. I
don't take any meds for it because I can't afford them without insurance.
Figure I guess I just don't need to eat those things any way to much if it
is going to bother me.
    Trying to start over and get off all my asthma meds except the alupent
emergency thing. Use is way too much but I am getting stuff out of my system
and taking control since the docs were not doing a good enough job.
Sometimes we just gotta do that.
    I still want to learn to make some really good tomato sauce this summer!

Okie zone 7a