Twas Writ: > What the bread was... The bread was an effort to bring peace to the list >after it had taken a rather ugly turn last year. <snipola> >The offer still >stands- if you send me a name & shiping address, I promise to randomly >select names, as time away from the firehouse & my limited finances permit, >& send them a sample of the bread. This is a strictly non-commercial offer: >these names will NOT be put into any kind of database, nor will ANY kind of >promotional literature (I don't have any yet) accompany the sample. For >organized, listed hotlucks, a larger sample is available. I hope this small >effort helps to encourage the CH list to continue to be well behave, >informative, and above all, enjoyable! Indeed, brother Jim may be on his way to Chilehead Sainthood. El Grande's blessings... Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles....... Rael Redneck Sous Chef Monk of the TCS Order of Immaculate Twister Keeper of the Faith and a Towel...