I have a part time job working as a Host for corporate clients. That means I get to wander around restaurants making certain that my guests are being taken care of very well. Basically I get the job of making certain they are fat, drunk and happy. At the end of the evening I sign the bill or write the check paying for the services. Sounds easy...it is. So anyhow I was doing just such a job last night. When all of the guests had left and I was off the clock I naturally headed to the bar for a cocktail that the manager insisted I drink (who am I to argue about a couple of free drinks). So we sat there and drank and made up a weird little concoction. We took green olives and filled them with tabasco and ate them. Sounds good, but it gets better. The Chef comes out and sees what we are doing so he goes and gets a bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce. We put one drop in each olive and popped them in our mouths. Talk about good. So after a dozen or so we stopped to wipe the sweat from our foreheads and finish our cocktails, and the waiter brings out some innocent looking chicken tenders with a mustard sauce. The mustard sauce was spiked with more Dave's Insanity Sauce. Obviously they thought they were dealing with a mere mortal, because they couldn't believe I ate such hot food. It was definitely a good night. Free cocktails, free appetizers, and free chicken tenders...all spiked with hot sauce. Life is good. So there's another way to utilize your hot favorite hot sauce. Yours Truly in Supreme Heat ChefChile@aol.com aka "John" TCS Mystic Fire Priest Monk of the SOB Executive Chef Ring O' Fire C=:-) Humble Servant to the Great Hab