[CH] pepper plants

Dave Hendricks (bvdrangs@enter.net)
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 06:32:04 +0000

It's time to look at which peppers to plant this year and I have a
problem. My space is very limited and I usually have a lot of it in
poblanos (because I like chile rellenos) but want to grow a few other
varieties.  We have a terraced spot in front of our home that usually
has flowers in it but last year we added some basil varieties to the
location (the purple looked nice). The wife has said that it would be
ok to put some pepper plants there if they would add some color. I
have seen many ornamental hot peppers and wondered if any varieties
might be good for eating/cooking? I believe that some other varieties
might work to, any suggestions.  We can always try to get plants from
the pepper farm in Boweres Pa or  at Cross Country Nursery in Jersey. 
I just downloaded their list of peppers and started going through  it 
but 147 varieties can be a little much.

Thanks to those who gave me ideas for using those ristra peppers. I
made a batch of sauce the other night and gave the boss's wife the
instructions. The sauce came out wonderful and I had some on last
nights meatloaf. It sure helped warm me while we were having this
current ice storm.
Dave "throws with mosquitos" Hendricks
Boomerangs are making a comeback!