>I think I would lean towards the foam myself simply for the fact that the >foam would be more inclined stay on pretzels ;-) An excellent idea. It raises the question whether or not chile sprays would be any less effective on chileheads than on "normal" humans? ___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: Steve Taylor - Producer - Terabyte Interactive COURIER: Level 6, 235 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand MAIL: PO Box 99250, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand ___________________________________________________________________ TEL: + 64 9 522-0914 EMAIL 1: stevet@terabyte.co.nz FAX: + 64 9 522-0925 EMAIL 2: 74757.3344@compuserve.com HOME: + 64 9 529-1964 URL: www.terabyte.co.nz ___________________________________________________________________