Re: [CH] Chile Heads for Science!!?
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 22:00:23 cst

** Reply to note from Mike Bowers <> Wed, 21 Jan    
1998 16:55:08 -0800  
> A study at St. Louis University is looking for participants who must   
> have heachache of nasal and sinus origin;  
Not long ago I had smoked some jalapeno peppers on my smoker. The flavor    
was unbelievable! Any way, my mom came over for lunch one day and I    
offered her one. The first one she tasted was obviously mild and she    
enjoyed it thoroghly.  She got herself another one and promptly bit 
off half of the pepper.  This one, however, was a tough one.  I 
thought for a minute there I was going to have to call an ambulance. 
After about fifteen minutes the pain subsided to the point where she 
could breath.  It was then she told me that the horrendous headache 
she had was completely gone!