Re: [CH] Printing portions of e-mail messages

Steve Ross (
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 15:02:37 -0500

  The easiest way to print stuff from the net is to use the copy command.
I just highlight the text I want, click the left mouse button and copy it
to a word processor (word, works) Then all you have to do is save and print
the document.  It's nice that way for organization as well.  I'd just
create a subdirectory and save all your recipes there.  Then you can have a
whole archive of recipes and have the capability of printing them out as
well as sending them to other's as attachments.  Hope that helps,
Steve -CS Major-    

At 01:31 PM 1/25/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I've tried to no avail to print portions of e-mail messages direct from
>the net. Recently when I began to store all chile-head messages on 3.5"
>floppy's, and then try to print recipes as an example, again to no
>avail, it prints the entire 10 or whatever no of pages. Anybody have any
>idea if I'm xxxxxxx in the wind or can it be done? I have a Hewlett
>Packard Desk Jet 660C.Thanks to someone in advance for your help.