> From: dlaw@andros.com > Date: Wed, 28 Jan 98 14:49:41 > Subject: Days of deer and roses (was:[CH] sort of off topic- cats...) > So how about other mammals? The deer in my part of the world (No. Calif.) > are perpetually decimating my roses. Anybody have any idea if this > treatment works on them as well? Last spring, while shopping in the gardening supply section of a local farm supply store, I noticed an animal repellent for gardeners. It was a liquid for applying directly to plants and around the perimeter of a garden. I don't remember the percentage listed on the label, but capsaicin was the only active ingredient listed. There were pictures of rabbits and deer on the label, and the instructions did claim to repel deer. It also cost $26 a gallon, so you could probably make your own for less. Harry