Twas Writ: >Bre'er Rael scribbled; >>I eat chile therefore I am? > >Capsaicum, ergo zoom. Zoom zooma zoom! ...which is the "thought" that passed through my head as I read Kit's Latin (mind you, the first cup o' joe ain't quite in me yet..). Then I thought of the old kid's show called Zoom (who remembers that?), then my mind took me to this thought: there needs to be a chilehead kid's show. Maybe a sort of cross between Scooby Doo (the scooby snacks would be poppers, o' course) and Jonny Quest (dunno if we need the adults in the show, but maybe to give the chilehead kids "real world" advice, keep them in line, and give them money...). The Chile Kids would travel about the world in search of The Mother of All Chiles, and probably do a lot of good deeds along the way as well. At the root of their searching would be, of course, Enlightenment, for we all know that whilst Chiles are not merely food, nay, Chiles be a Lifestyle. And this lifestyle teaches many lessons which ultimately make us all better persons. They could also spout messages such as "Drugs? NO! Endorphin Rush? YES!"; "Last One To the Twister Board is a Heatless Jalapeno!"; "Momma always said there'd be days like this....think I'll eat some salsa"; "QUICK! Throw me the Capsiacin Rain Gun!"... What think ye? Should we get HB on the phone? Disney? Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles....... Rael Redneck Sous Chef Monk of the TCS Order of Immaculate Twister Keeper of the Faith and a Towel...