At 11:23 AM 1/31/98 +0200, Gerardo Ametxazurra wrote: >Here's what I do to get aphids from my rose bushes >(no Chiles planted yet, but will start soon, I >hope!). >I use the contents of many an ashtray. Put all the >butts in a 5 litre bottle and fill it with water. >Let it soak and ferment for about a week. I just >don't look at it, it's somewhat yecchy... I water >the plants with the filtered result (a repulsive >brown liquid). The tar and nicotine in the water go >up through the roots, and it seems the aphids don't >like the taste of the savia at all. No insects are >killed. No chemicals are used. Actually nicotine is a powerful poison, and I suspect is considered a chemical. One drop of pure nicotine on the skin can kill a full grown man. Nicotine taken up by the plants is no doubt causing the deaths of a few aphids. =Mark @ @ Where ya from? Jersey. Yeah? What Exit?