Hi Fellow Chile-Heads ! Intrigued by the posts about 'classic' Pico de Gallo and the pepper/fruit combos mentioned. This reminded me of a trip to Mombasa in Kenya a few years ago. There, every street corner had someone selling barely ripe mangoes which they would peel (leaving a bit of skin and the stem for you to hold) and slather all over in a mix (about 50/50) of salt and cayenne. Thus each bite was a powerful combination of sweet, sour (the mango), hot and salt (the mix). Wonderful. The Kenyans also have a dish virtually identical to 'modern' Pico de Gallo called (phonetic Swahili here) 'KATCHUMBARI', including Cilantro and everything! My S.I.L. makes a positively incendiary version of this every time she comes to stay. Anyway, rambling done. Carr Hayslip Chilehead Texan in Somerset