[CH] Walker's Wood and Busha Brownes'

Rich McCormack (macknet@cts.com)
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 06:17:33 -0800

>Date: Tue, 03 Feb 1998 18:01:49 +0000
>From: Jim Campbell <mwph2hot@indy.net>
>Subject: Re: [CH] CH: Junk fix/ Jerk seasoning

>Walkers' Wood & Busha Brownes' are made by the same people.  It's actually 
>the same stuff.  Dave Anderson & I had a pretty good laugh with the owner
>the facility as he was relaying to us about how he gets letters all the
>about one being better than the other...

I've got a bottle each of Busha Browne's Pukka Sauce and Walker's 
Wood Scotch Bonnet Sauce.  The addresses listed on the label aren't 
the same (Spanish Town and St. Ann respectively).  Can you elaborate?  

Rich McCormack (Poway, CA) macknet@cts.com

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