Re: [CH] Shakers (condiment dispensers, not the people)

Mon, 9 Feb 1998 10:32:56 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 9 Feb 1998, MachineGun wrote:

> ice pick should do nicely.  Wonderful tool, the ice pick.  Freezer
> defrosting tool (don't poke no holes..), pops that irritating seal in a
> tube of caulk, body piercing, oh so many uses...
> Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
I'd agree on most, but we got a few body piercings in my household
and I used to do body piercings before it got to be the rage, but I really
don't think it would be too good with a dull point like on an ICE pick.

OUCH - skin is tough, and pushing a razor sharp piercing needle through
a navel or a nipple requires a good bit of force, using an ICEPICK would
be torture.

Jim W     My opinions are just that, not my wife's or my employer's
!!Do not assume that your freedoms are assured!! The truth is out there!
  Brew and let Brew... Homebrewing is fun. For a Hot Time -- Eat Chiles.