I just got the following item about a forthcoming book and thought it would be of interest to the list. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ethno/Economic Botany Andrews, J. due April 1998. The pepper lady's pepper primer. The authors shows you how to identify and use 42 kinds of pepper, both fresh and dried, commonly available in North American markets. Each pepper is dewcribed, starting with size, color, fruit shape, flesh, and pungency; common names, sources and uses and other peppers that can be substituted for it in a recipe; notes and anecdotes are also included. Author also offers advice on selecting, storing, roasting, rehydrating, growing and harvesting. 190 pp., 94 color photos, 5 line figures. paperback. $17.95 Dr. Pamela Burns-Balogh balogh@balogh.com Balogh Scientific Books, http://www.balogh.com 1911 N. Duncan Rd. , Champaign, Illinois 61821 USA fax: +1 217 355 9413; phone: +1 217 355 9331 ==================================================================== Bob Batson L 39 12 14 N 94 33 16 W bob@sky.net Kansas City TCS - Mystic Fire Priest USDA zone 5b ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Under the most controlled conditions, the experimental apparatus will do exactly as it pleases.