[CH] Just what is normal?

Tue, 17 Feb 1998 05:05:46 EST

Greetings from London.

Last year, thanks to everyone's hints and tips, I finally grew my first 
crop of chiles and sweet peppers here in London, England. I started them 
off in a propagator, then a sunny window sill and finally moved them into 
the garden where they were cropping until the first frosts in November.

These were the first chile plants I have ever seen and my question is - 
what sort of crops should I expect from chiles grown as annuals? Ripening 
took a while and so I left them on the plant as long as possible - by 
October they were just about all red.

I had 12-14 4-inch sweet peppers on each Gypsy plant and 30-40 small 
chiles on each Thai Hot Dragon. Is this normal? Are there any better 
varieties that fellow Brits can recommend in Southern England?


Paul Lyons.

PS: Does anyone know how the US Zonal system relates to the UK climate?