Re: [CH] I guess I should say thanks ??? Perplexed

Doug Irvine (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 20:59:31 -0800

Steve Taylor wrote:
> Jim,
> It's very strange, I just recieved the same message.  What's goin on?
> >I just got mail from the list server bot :
> >
> >It has been requested that I be unsubscribed from the list.
> >
> >I didn't expect that someone here would generate a bot request with
> >my email address in it, kinda nice that the bot confirms back to the
> >request address, not the sending address.
> >
> ___________________________________________________________________
> ADDRESS:  Steve Taylor   -   Producer   -   Terabyte Interactive
> COURIER:  Level 6, 235 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand
> MAIL:     PO Box 99250, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand
> ___________________________________________________________________
> TEL:   + 64 9 522-0914         EMAIL 1:
> FAX:   + 64 9 522-0925         EMAIL 2:
> HOME:  + 64 9 529-1964         URL:
> ___________________________________________________________________
Well, Jim and Steve, that makes three of too, and at least this
perpetrator is universal, one in the States, one in NZ and one in
Canada...where next will the creepy crawler strike?? Cheers, Doug in BC