Hi folks, Just thought I'd share a story. Last night, i decided that I'd take one of the habs out of my freezer and eat it plain. I had gotten used to putting a tablespoon or so of powder on each meal w/o much problem, so i looked at an orange hab and it looked SO delicious. I started to eat it. It tasted really nice..>THEN the heat hit me and boy did it hit me. I got halfway through it before I called it quits, at which point my mouth was burning so much that I was salivating just like a dog does when it sees its meal. I kept salivating for about 10 minutes straight! So, those little suckers may LOOK delicious, but not for straight consumption, at least not YET for me anyway! :) Brad Brad Charbonneau (NZ1Y) Physical Therapy Graduate Student University of Massachusetts at Lowell email: NZ1Y@hotmail.com or charbonnb@woods.uml.edu ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com