Hey Yall, I want to create a sauce tasting panel of people, say about 4 to 6 people, who will receive free sauce, taste it, maybe cook with it, and then rate it on my web page. Volunteers should have writing skills, and enough time to actually do the tasting and get the review up on the site within a reasonable amount of time. Also, I'm hoping the panel can include the same people for an extended period of time, so please only volunteer if you can commit long-term. Because of shipping costs, and the time to ship something outside the US, I ask that all volunteers be in the continental US. In addition, you'll provide me with a picture of yourself, which might then be made into a cartoon version of you, so be sure you'd be ok with that kind of thing. If this sounds like fun to you, please find some sauce in your refrigerator and email me with a brief review of it, so I can get a sense of your writing style. A diverse panel will be most welcome. Email me at sauce@firegirl.com - mary -- FireGirl (Everybody needs a hero) Absolutely Everything About Hot Chiles http://firegirl.com