[CH] Albuquerque-bound

Jonathan T. Smillie (jsmillie@protix.com)
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 16:21:06 -0600

Fellow Chile-Heads:

I'm hitting the road once again, this time to Albuquerque, NM, for a

five-day business trip. I know there are a number of chile-heads in 

the area, and I'd greatly appreciate any guidance about where to go 

and what to do (especially as regards chile-laden comestibles!) in

the area. I'll be arriving late Saturday night (the 4th) and leaving the 

morning of Thursday the 9th. 

Pity this client couldn't have got it together to need this visit during 

the Fiery Foods Show... ah well, maybe next year.

Thanks in advance,



<bold>Conservative</bold>, <italic>n.</italic> A statesman who is
enamored of existing

evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to 

replace them with others.

- Ambrose Bierce, <italic>The Devil's Dictionary</italic>