Whoa! Judith's tale of the "drowned" possom gave a whole new level to the notion of "playing 'possom". We have possoms ('possoms? opossoms?) here in (sub)urban Sacramento. One used to browse the cat food left on our deck. (We actually fed the thing - I think they'r kind of cute!) Anyway, they did seem to be very big on veggies of all sorts (sweets too - grapes with honey on them went over VERY big!) so I imagine they'd be hell in a garden! My POINT (and I do have one) is that they were very wary of dogs so I expect the coyote urine suggestion would work just fine! (Or you could get a dog or leave one you may have out at night!) I also understand they are not very long-lived so this could be a passing problem. Peace, love and peppers Lorraine