[CH] ...a lot of useless talk.

YYZkid (YYZkid@aol.com)
Wed, 20 May 1998 14:24:13 EDT


Pete Moss <grin> wrote:

>BTW Michael please don’t include the original message, only 
>include any pertinent part to which you are replying. It saves 
>clutter in the digest and makes it much easier to read.

As a list administrator for an internet newsletter myself, I can tell you that
 the quickest way to turn off any new reader is to make him or her navigate
 through line after line of irrelevant information. It was for this reason that
 I almost cancelled my subscription to this otherwise fine list and even finer
 group of people. Please, please, as a service to your fellow hot-heads...just
 stick to the facts.

<pssshht! Opens bottle of Sierra Nevada IPA>      <--(very relevant)

Just picked up some cayenne and hab plants at a local nursery over the
 weekend. For about $2.50 I've got a dozen or so plants I plan to use in
 various recipes, but being new to the world of heat, I lack the understanding
 of using them properly. Can anyone e-mail me some good hot sauce recipes? I
 need heat!

I recently tested Blair's After Death Sauce. How this ill-tasting lava ever
 made it to the shelves is beyond me. Does anyone here actually eat that stuff?

