Hi from Nanaimo....have you tried the guy from Calgary? His sauce is fantastic....and just as an incidental...WHAT IS WRONG WITH LIVER???? With onions and chiles and a good gravy....GOOD GRAVY???? only if ya dont like LIVER!!! Actually, it is full of iron and vitamins and other minerals,and tastes terrific, if done correctly....been eating it for yars and yars, and 72 yars later, am still eating it!! Cheers, Doug in Nanaimo! The hot sauce I referred to is called Prairie Fire...it is HOT but dig the flavour(Canuck spelling) and you may call 1-800-215- 8913, and I am sure he will tell you where you can obtain it...You might also talk to those two terrific people who are in Slurrey(wrong spelling?)(wait till the earthquake!!)Go to www.uniserve.com/passionforpeppers/ and see what they have,neat people, right in your own backyard, so to speak! Cheers, Doug