Re: [CH] newbie

Brent Thompson (
Tue, 02 Jun 1998 09:31:58 -0700

> I have in my garden now Habanaro, Anaheim, Thai, and Jalapeno's.

Then later, when you have more experience and are willing to start your own
from seeds early (e.g., February), you can begin growing the really
good-tasting ones, meaning various C. baccatum cultivars.

> And how about a good magazine to subscribe to?

Forget it.  Just read chile-heads list.

> I live in Missouri if that makes any difference on growing.

Of course it makes a difference.  With your hot humid summer days and warm
nights, you should be able to grow great chiles in plentitude -- my guess
is that C. chinense cultivars will do especially well for you, e.g. the
numerous habanero-types, and better ones like Scotch Bonnet, Fatalli,
Githeo Miris, and Aji Yuquitania.

But, due to short growing season [and if they even can grow well at all in
a warm humid climate], you will probably have to do tricks to get
reasonable harvest from slow-maturing chiles like C. pubescens (aka
rocoto/locoto) and some of the C. baccatum cultivars (notably the best of
them all, Aji Amarillo).

 ---   Brent