> Does anybody have or know where I can get a list of all the > different varieties of chile's and what there 'street name' and > 'scientific name' is ? > > I always see people talking about C. chineese or C. baccatum and > unless they give an example I really have no idea what they are > talking about. I hate being left out. The best book I've seen for chile identification is "Peppers of the World" by DeWitt & Bosland. It is available through my link to Amazon.com. It sells for $19.95 less 20 or 30%. "Peppers, The Domesticated Capsicums" by Jean Andrews also has drawings and descriptions, but it is much more expensive although it is the best book on peppers that I've seen. Dave Anderson Tough Love Chile Co. http://www.powernet.net/~chilehed1