We have been searching the net for 6 months trying to find a sweet chile sauce recipe like the one you buy in the bottles from Thailand (here in Oz anyway). We have looked in every Thailand/Malaysian/Indonesian/ Asian site you can imagine and even in sites like Global Gastronomer and Sues recipe server and even several request to Thailand Chefs but all to no avail FINALLY would you believe that guy down the road had one and here it is: THAI SWEET CHILE SAUCE 200g fresh chile, 8 cloves of garlic, 2 tspns salt (Blend all a little) Place in Saucepan, and add 2 cups sugar 2 cups vinegar. Simmer for 20 mins. Blend and place in jar or bottle. If not red enough add a little colouring. Havent tried it yet only got it yesterday, but has same ingredients as on bottle. If anybody has any others please post to list or point me to the site. Chris and John Higgins. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* * John Higgins. Lecturer in IT, SE & OOP.Southern Cross University. * * Coffs Harbour Education Campus. Email: jhiggins@chec.scu.edu.au * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*