[CH] White Habaneros

Rain (rain@wwbbs.otherside.com)
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 05:58:26 GMT

-> Anybody tried growing any? Like most of our plants this year, it was
-> somewhat stunted, only about 18" high. Just recently, we got a fair crop
-> from this plant; about 50 peppers. The pods are sort of a ghost yellow, and
-> long for habs. In fact, they look more like the Italian peppers,
-> pepperocini. The flavor also seems to give them away; it is like a very,
-> very hot pepperocini.
Hmmm, does sound like a cross, doesn't it.  I tried growing some and
they got kitty-mauled, but I'd thought about trying again.  Is there any
actual hab flavor to them?
Keep on rockin',