[CH] How to Boil Water, Part Deux

John Benz Fentner, Jr. (johnfentner@home.net)
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 05:14:58 -0500

I posted a news clip about UK cuisine a couple of weeks ago
that, among other things, got me roasted by irate Brits and
started the infamous Haggis Thread. This is the follow up
from today's InfoBeat News:

UK's favourite cook cracks success with eggs
LONDON, Nov 18 (Reuters) - The television chef who got a
roasting last month for teaching Britons how to boil an egg
has in fact cracked a recipe for success.

Egg sales have soared by 1.3 million a day since Delia
Smith, Britain's best-selling cookery writer, launched her
back to basics television show six weeks ago, egg producers
said on Wednesday.

Smith, who a few years ago turned cranberries from an exotic
fruit into an everyday staple in British supermarkets, was
initially attacked by some of her celebrity cook rivals for
insulting the intelligence of viewers with her detailed
instructions on making toast, boiling eggs and cooking

But the 10 percent increase in egg sales suggests she is
more in touch with the nation's notoriously bad cooks than
more adventurous television chefs.

"`Whatever Delia turns her hands to become immensely
popular, and we're delighted she chose eggs,'' said Garham
Muir, marketing manager at Stonegate Farmers.

A recent opinion poll highlighted the limitations of Britons
in the kitchen. Of those who said they cook, 36 percent
listed making sandwiches as their main cookery skills, and
31 percent cited toast.

A Terrible Beauty is Born  :)
John Benz Fentner, Jr.
Unionville, Connecticut, USA
"Lex Non Favet Delicatorum Votis"