Re: [CH] Swift Tiger sauce | yadda-yadda-yadda

Art Pierce (
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 07:57:15 -0800

Doug Irvine wrote:

> Hey Art...loved your answer! But what do you do when you are a lactose

> intolerant

If it's a lactase deficiency, that develops gradually, starting around
ages 10=>20, that's ~25% of adults of N. Europe background, ~90% of
Oriental, ~75% of all other ethnic groups, you're not alone.


If it's not also a casein allergy, you could supplement; ask these
people about your local supply:

> diabetic,

Don't get me started on this. [Let the rant begin.]

Diabetes is not curable (beware the "diabetic honeymoons").

It is treatable.

But the work that each diabetic has to do is beyond most peoples'
assumed capacity.

Beyond the "regular medicine" absolutely necessary obsessive monitoring
that would make every Martha-Stewart-wannabe look like mere hog wallow:
How EVERYTHING affects your blood glucose level; supporting the "test
strip industry" (glucometers - still only +/- 15=>20% accuracy) no less
than 5 times every day; along with watching and recording your intake-,
exercise-, and stress-effects like an eagle; and humulin (pumps
optional), for Type I, &/or rezulin, etc., for type II, (draw a breath
and go on) "alternative medicine" sez diabetes, and its side effects,
can be lessened to a degree (or, at the very least, be made less
brittle) by (in addition to, and NOT EXCLUSION of, in any way, the
glucometer plus humulin/rezulin stuff) using ALL, not just part, of the
following in conjunction, in the exact combinations of amounts that are,
again based on recorded intake-, exercise-, and stress-effects on
carefully and frequently monitored (& automatically recorded nowadays)
blood glucose levels, right for you in each moment: Cr, Va, betaine HCL,
digestive enzymes, Zn, B-complex (niacin is part of the GTF),
bioflavanoids, including quercetin, Cu, lecithin, glutathione,
Glycyrrhiza glabra, Pilocarpus jaborandi, Achillea millefolium, Erigon
canadense (!), and Jerusalem "artichoke".

Mainly, each diabetic is unique and each diabetic has to become their
OWN absolute EXPERT.

Since a good many humans don't like to put this much mandatory energy
into investigating & constantly watching & analyzing every damn aspect
of themselves, diabetes, by a good many individuals' "neglect", thru its
side effects, gets right up there with cardiovascular diseases and
cancer as one of the things "most popular" for us humans to die from.
"Hey, folks, I could be wrong, but that's the way it seems to me." [Rant
ends here.]

Hands down, the best single starting page on the Web for diabetes is:

> which I have been for many years?
> And as you may
> have noticed, if you have been watching the recipes I post every once
> awhile, I have been into chiles for over fifty years! Do you have an
> answer to that one?

None whatsoever.

But (as if any of us needed the least justification) check out pp 3=>13,
starting here:

(Doug, there's also 3 recipes on pp 14=>16.)

Since distancing, in order to analyze and control, is only one aspect of
life, there's certainly no rhyme (after 50 years, rime?) or reason
(Endorphins talkin' here: "It must be the flavors!") for you, Doug,
liking caps.'s pain.

If only logic was involved, there would be no Chile-Heads (newsletter).

> Don't like yogurt, and it don't like me!! cheers, Doug
> in BC
