Re: [CH] Lays [brand] Buffalo Chips

Ron (
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 19:23:14 -0800

I compared the fritos flaming hot and the Doritos chile verde and to me, the
fritos were a lot of coloring and hardly any spice...............maybe I got a bad
bag? I was ecstatic the day I discovered both chips side by side, but to me the
Doritos were the winner, hands down. wrote:

> >There's regional marketing for ya, we don't get tasty goodies like that in
> >Canada, at least not from the major companies....
> For the record, here are some other snack items chileheads might be interested
> in: Deli Lay's Jalapeno, Fritos Lime and Chili, Fritos Flaming Hot, Cheetos
> Flaming Hot, Doritos Salsa Verde (already mentioned, but worth a second
> acknowledgment). I believe that the first three are primarily available in the
> Southwest, but you might find them in your area. As for heat, the Fritos
> Flaming Hot are probably the most spicy, but I like the Deli Lay's Jalapeno;
> they have a very good flavor, especially if you add a little extra powered
> jalapeno.
> Don't despair Steve, at least you have ketchup flavored potato chips in Canada
> ; )
> JMA (Phoenix)

Ron M

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not
change, the courage to change the things I can, and the
wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they
pissed me off.