Sorry, but Peppers, like their relatives tomatoes just can't handle the cold. If temperatures go below freezing they'll croak with the possible exception of Rocotos which I've heard can handle temperatures a degree or two below freezing. They won't make it in an unheated greenhouse in zone 5. Dave Anderson Tough Love Chile Co. > > Some years ago, a couple of friends in FL grew some perennial peppers (4' > bushes, tiny pale purple, white, yellow, mottled peppers) that I thought > were strictly ornamental, until Andy made barbecue sauce with the evil > things and used it on ribs. Until then I hadn't known what they meant when > they said the peppers would make a mockingbird fly backward (I was so young > and naive then). Now the question: are there any perennials available that > will survive outside in the zone 5 winters of north central OH? Or if > potted, partially protected, in an unheated greenhouse, perhaps? Sources? > > Thanks, JC James Malcolm Campbell, Campbell Keep, > Bucyrus, OH, USA > > > >