[CH] Fw: growing under lights troubles

marxman (marxman@skynet.be)
Fri, 4 Dec 1998 09:50:50 +0100


    My plants have been doing well under the 400 watt HID light for a while
(except for the red habs I transplanted to new pots which subsequently
wilted and died to a man), but lately they have, except for the Namaqua,
been suffering from leaf drop and now I detect a bit 'o' wilt on some of the
Thai Reds.... yet they are also setting flowers! Any ideas out there what
might be the problem? I added a bit of pelleted fertiliser, natural seaweed
and bird/bat poop mix, to the new potting soil when I repotted them all. Did
I add too much? They all greened up very well but now I'm seeing a bit of
yellow creeping into the leaves. Bottom leaves are falling off day by day.
I'm worried... all advice greeted enthousiastically!

Diane in Flanders