[CH] Re: Thai pepper problem

Alexandra Soltow (pamra@rockland.net)
Sat, 5 Dec 1998 16:34:03 -0500

Frank wrote,

>I'd like to hear from other people trying to keep plants over the winter.

I'm overwintering some habs, fatalis, and Bolivian rainbows. The fatalis
are doing quite well, flowering, setting fruit, ripening, all that good
stuff. The habs are flowering but they're starting to do something strange:
after the flower petals fall off, the little incipient pepper that is just
visible has been ripening before it gets any bigger than 1/4 inch long!
Some of the flowers are dropping off before developing into anything
significant. The plants themselves seem to be holding their own. The
Bolivian Rainbows are looking a bit spindly and frail, but they also are
flowering and growing new leaves, though the new growth is a kind of
washed-out green color, unlike the purple of the older leaves.

Question: Should the cutting back be done as soon as the plants are brought
in, or can it be done later? I had cut back the habs, but I left the others
alone. I'm wondering if the rainbows might benefit from a haircut?


Alexandra Soltow


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