Re: [CH] aphids

Nels Peterson (
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 18:22:02 -0600

Ivory soap at the rate of 1 tablespoon per quart, sprayed on the plant
(making sure to get under the leaves) usually helps for a shor while,
continue treatment as needed.

Good Luck

Nels in ND

At 10:48 PM 12/9/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi all, long time lurker, first time..... you know what I mean. Anyway I'm
>writing to get the low down on spider mites. I've salvaged a cherry bomb
>from my garden and have found the little sap suckers starting to move onto
>the plant. My question is: is there an effective way to rid myself of these
>pest's? I'm from Indiana so the ladybugs and such are gone till spring, and
>I would like to avoid pesticides that might damage the plant. Any and all
>help is much appreciated. 
>Thank You Rob