[CH] Miracle Gro

Rain (rain@wwbbs.otherside.com)
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 01:38:29 GMT

-> Take it from an "Old Fart " with 50 years gardening experience, Throw that
-> Mirical Grow as far as you can throw it. as least as far a veggies are
-> concerned.
Umm, well, it's spelled "Miracle Gro", and it's always worked
fantastically well for me.  I mean, really dramatically well, like in
the size-comparison ads. 
Not that there's anything wrong with manure tea, of course; it works
great, but for me as a city gardener with a disabling illness and a
picky landlady, both of whom (which?) mandate a lot of caution about
germy organic matter, it would never do.  So you do it your way and I'll
do it mine, and we'll both have plenty of peppers. :)
Keep on rockin',
Rain, an old fartess with 45 years' gardening experience