Hi All Real Summer weather at present. Plants all growing well. I was watching a NZ gardening show on TV the other evening. An old codger was giving some advice on seeds which I expect most of you already know. As we all send each other seeds and some germinate and some fail. The main reason for failure is being stored exposed to warmth and moisture. He stores his seeds in a large airtight plastic jar. Then puts in a small glass full of bright blue silica jel. When the silica jel has absorbed moisture it turns a dirty pink. I guess you all knew that eh? Now the bit I had never heard of. He then popped the silica jel in the microwave for a minute or so which removes the moisture and turns it bright blue ready to go again. Merry chile Xmas from New Zealand to all the many nice people on this list who I have been in contact with in the last couple of years. Tony Flynn Grandad retired at the beach.Bay of Plenty New Zealand