[CH] Re: foreign characters

Scott Peterson (scottp4@ibm.net)
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 15:47:11 -0800

Andy B wrote:

> By-the-way, does anyone know how to get the nice tilda above the "n" in
> habanero with Netscape?

This is quite easy to do.  Make sure your num-lock key is on, hold the ALT
key and type 0241 on the numeric key pad.  you'll get a ñ.  These are what
are called extended ASCII characters.  Not all computers handle them, but
Macs, and PC's running Win3.1 or higher should.  

You can create a table of these by playing with other key combinations.
Most of the ones between 0032 and 0064, and 0128 through 0255 have special
characters on them. 

                         		Scott Peterson


Seen it all, done it all, 
can't remember most of it.