[CH] Re:My 3 day chili.Cooking with Beer

coyote (coyote@calweb.com)
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 20:04:48 -0800

"John Benz Fentner, Jr." wrote:

>  I like to drink dark, heavy beers like Guinness
> (or, better yet, Black & Tans)and dark ales. It's hard to
> cook with those though, 'cause they are so strong and they
> tend to overpower everything else. Even some of the
> lighter/cheaper stuf like Miller or Piels seems to add a
> sweet taste that doesn't always go with the dish.

No way guy!
No flame here, but I use Guinness to make a really awesome stew (no chiles
As for chili, I like to use  Negro Modelo (that is when I'm not using a dram of
in my chili. IMHO the lighter styles add nothing to the taste of chili (at least
when I'm making it to my heat levels).
Though a really good IPA ( India Pale Ale) sure hits the spot when I'm eating
chili (and other picante dishes).

Howlin' for Habaneros