[CH] Re: Math Problem

Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:34:35 EST

Byron Bromley wrote:

>I use Jerry Bakers tobacco juice, dishsoap and mouthwash bugspray.
>I am trying to explain the dilution of tobacco juice.

>The forumla requires that you start with about 1/3 oz of chewing tobacco,
>Marinate and dilute to 1 gal. this becomes the concentrate
>If you don't count the fact that you are just removing the nicotine
>this is 384 to 1 dilution, Then the concentrate gets used as 1/2 oz per
>gal, which I think is a 256 to 1 dilution.

I'm no expert, but I thought that mixing tobacco and chiles was a big no-no
due to the threat of TMV? Am I missing something?

JMA - Phoenix