[CH] Sunburst bottle company

Mon, 21 Dec 1998 09:58:15 -0800

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I just ordered a case each of the woozy bottles (5oz and 10oz).  I'll post back 
and let you know how the order went.
PS. The lady on the phone was exceptionally nice ;)

Don Dillon

I buy mine from a company called Sunburst Bottle company. They will sell them 
to you in 1 doz. per box and they are really nice people.  They can even sell 
you the heat shrink wrap to put on the top if you want to give them away for 
gifts.  They have many sizes and types of containers.
You can find them on the web at: http://www.planetmall.com/sunburst/ or you can 
email them at Sunburts@cwo.com or you can call them at 916-348-5576.
Usual disclaimer - I don't own any stock, have any relatives working for them, 
or get any kickback from referral.  I'm just a very happy customer.
Eric R. Lewis
