[CH] Chipotle Adobo

Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:44:25 EST

We have been discussing Chipotle Mexican Hot Sauce by Bufalo which we have
used for years and I then wondered how many Chileheads know of one of my very
favorite chile items.

Chipotle Adobo comes in an 8 oz can.  I pour it into my Cuisinart whirl and
puree it.  I keep it in a glass jar in the refrigerator at all times so I can
add a scoop or two to any dish that needs a nice smoky chile flavor.   I use
it in everything from a boring veggie to Thai Fried Rice to Chili.  It has a
wonderful smokiness that just blends other flavors together.  You can find it
in Mexican Markets and yes even Safeway in my Area carries it, but we are in
California and there are just a few Hispanics here!  We are learning from them
to use some great ingredients in another fusion Californian-Mexican-Japanese
and Californian-Southwest-Thai etc.

There are several available brands of this Adobe and so far I find them all
good.  Some are hotter than others.  As to the question of what to do with the
Bufalo Chipotle Mexican Sauce getting thick?  We just add a little hot water
and shake--"aheatta la lotta" as they say--- sorry that is rude.

