Ummm, whut's this? I don't know if I read this correctly. Does this mean to NOT feel sorry for us CHers in sunny California? Where I just lost all my beautiful pepper plants due to EXTREME cold. 17 degrees the last two nights. Where is the warmth of El Niño? Las Niñas even? Looks like my palm trees even got froze ... *sigh*. Sure it's sunny, and no snow (THANK YOU!!) But the cloudless sky holds no warmth and the sun shineth it's heart out, but alas, it's winter time in the Southland. Maybe we should all take our stash of peppers and visit CHers in Florida ?? That might keep them quiet. Merry Christmas to all. >Myron.....KNOCK it off!!! We is all(even in Canada) experiencing WINTER >weather BIG TIME!! Probably even Randy in Atlanta(sorry, Tucka Geogia) So all >these comments from Florreda about how hot it is, just makes us all go and >eat more chiles, so there wont be any left in the market for you > that the correct designation? A very merry Hot Christmas(HA >HA NO snow!) to all you folk down there, and feel sorry for the poor CH'ers >in NOT Sunny California! >Cheers, Doug in BC Suz, in the California desert, freezing my buns. ("`-'-/").___..--''"`-._ Suz, `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) aka (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' the katj _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'