[CH] Bufalo Products

James Campbell (camkeep@bright.net)
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 17:12:30 -0500

Folks said:

>>...and they only market the chipotle sauce in areas with large Mexican
> >i.e., in the Southwest and West but not here in Darkest Noo England.

Nor here in suddenly frigid (-4 last night) northern Ohio.

>I looked on the bottle and it says it is part of the Herdez company. I can
<get several Herdez canned salsas in the markets here. I tried some last
>night sprinkled on some pasta. It's not bad. Someone mentioned it tasting
>link ketchup but I see on the label there are no tomaotes in it.

Being a dedicated ketchup-o-phobe, I found the JalapeƱo  - Very Hot (they
did have that here, with main ingredients water and carrots) to taste too
much like the k-stuff for me.  And it did not seem very hot.

Forgive a newbie for asking, but it seems that folks here use the terms
'hot' and 'spicy' interchangeably.  I generally differentiate - as in
pie is spicy.'  Definitions, clarifications, please?  But no
condemnations -- I
.am. the delicate sort.

Happy Holidays to All  Campbell the Other, Campbell Keep, Bucyrus, OH