[CH] Random musings

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 09:20:32 -0600

Hi C-H's,

Today's recipe entry on CNN is:
"Fiery Grilled Shrimp on Sesame Spinach"
....and looks like a good simple way to make a quick meal. This site is
quite well done from a "learn-to-cook" aspect. If you are nervous about
your cooking abilities, this site will help.

Some time over the holiday, perhaps Christmas Eve, National Public Radio
here in the US carried a program of funny seasonal songs. I caught one from
a CD called "Twisted Turtle Tinsel" which was a parody of the "Halleluja
Chorus" from the Messiah; the word "Jalapeno" being substituted! The group
performing it is the Turtle Creek (TX) Chorale. If I knew how I would try
to get copyright permission to put at least some of it on my web page. Have
a listen and a laugh - it's the third CD down on this page:
(I don't think they mentioned "Habanero" which is a pity, as it scans as
well as the other two words.)

Has anyone tried habaneros in Xmas pud?

                     Regards,               Cameron.