Greetings- Finally, we've managed to put a few snapshots of some of our chile plants and their produce up on my Webpage. These aren't grade-A photos, but they do convey some idea of the fun we've had for several years growing these fascinating fruits. The URL is <> When we are finally set up & fully on-line at home I'll be moving this off my 'at work' homepage but meanwhile bear with us! Finally, for those C-H's who want to augment their cookbook shelves, Hamilton <> had several very good items listed when I visite d their site last week, including 'The Hot Sauce Bible' which I highly recommen d. Note that Hamilton doesn't accept on-line orders; you still have to send $$ or credit card info via snail mail, but IMHO the saving is worth it. Usual dis- claimer!-- I include this info for fellow penny-pinchers who like me have a strong disinclination to pay list price for anything. Happy New Year to all Gene Dunnam Gator Slide Farm Micanopy, FL