[CH] Credit where due AND a New Garden

Wed, 6 Jan 1999 00:37:38 -0500

Gotta break my silence for this one.  Steve Goodman co-wrote the 
song.  His co-writer was John Prine, but John didn't want any credit 
for it because he thought the song was "goofy." Steve repaid John 
by giving him a vintage Werlitzer jukebox. Steve Goodman also 
wrote "City of New Orleans" made famous by Woody's son.  

Now on topic:

Due to circumstances most foul, I no longer have my pepper 
garden.  Had to move.  But this means that I get to start a new 
garden at my new place.  What plans should I make to begin a 
garden where one has never existed.  This southern New Jersey 
location has good soil (even have commercial farmers and 
nurseries across the street and down the road).  I have trees on my 
lot, including pine and blue spruce, so locations with full sun are 
limited.  Another consideration is that there are woods behind 
and on one side of the property - woodland creatures (e.g., rabbits 
and deer) abound.  I'm considering a small garden, maybe 20' x 
30'.  Any suggestions for locating, soil prep, etc. would be 

Here's to black coffee, cold beer, and hot food.

Kent Lambert
