The motto of the Rainforest Cafe must be: Here we Grow Again! I am being shipped off to Toronto Canada from 1/22/99 - 2/10/99 to open the new restaurant there. I've never been there and would love to know where the good ChileHead restaurants might be as well as other ChileHead related points of interest. I'm not certain as to how much time I'll have to sightsee, but if any of you know of any points of interest I'd really like to have the info on hand just in case. If any of you are around the new restaurant you might want to stop by to say hello. I'm usually out of sight, but I'm sure if you ask for "Chile" or use the name my parents thought up "John Whalen" they might come back to the Prep Kitchen and find me for your amusement. As I get more info I'll keep you posted as to what hotel I'll be in in case you want to leave a message or maybe get together for a cocktail, beer, coffee, or maybe to sample some of our favorite fruits. After I leave Toronto I'm thinking of stopping in Syracuse to visit my daughter and my family. I haven't been to Syracuse in 6 years so alot has changed I imagine and I'd be interested in the same type of info on points of interest with regards to ChileHead spots and general good places to eat. Thanks again! John "ChefChile" Whalen WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to wake up with breath that could knock a buzzard off a garbage truck at 100 yards.