[CH] Fwd: mystery Bolivian seeds

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 08:01:54 -0600

Forwarded to C-H list :
>Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 09:18:55 +1000
>From: Darryl Corp <word@vicnet.net.au>
>Subject: mystery Bolivian seeds
>X-Sender: word@mail.vicnet.net.au
>To: begg.4@osu.edu
>MIME-version: 1.0
>Hi Cameron!
>Tell me, was it you or Bill (Gilbert?) who sent the Bolivian seeds last

[It was not me - CB]

>We in this part of the world have had to wait until now before
>seeing what would germinate.  Are you in any position to identify more of
>them?  I have unsubscribed from the chileheads mailing list for the moment
>because of another rather bulky one needed for business making it all a bit
>unwieldy - and so therefore will have missed any updates provided over the
>past few months.
>Of the nine types of seeds sent, only two, sadly, have germinated, viz., #3
>and #8., the latter being a C.pubescens of some kind (assuming there are
>more than one - I was sent a variety with the common name Rocoto Boliviano
>from another source - would this indicate something other than the run of
>the mill Rocoto?).  However, I digress.
>The other, #3, is most unusual (bear in mind, though, that my experience is
>not extensive), with very large deep mid-green (leaf green?) leaves which
>droop somewhat even when the plant is at its healthiest and most satisfied.
>Doesn't like much heat and seems happiest in dappled sunlight.
>Can you shed any light on the matter?  If not, might you know Bill's email
>address, perhaps?
>Looking forward to word from you.